Contest Winners

Announcing Our June 2023 Photo Contest Winners!


June 2023 Photo Contest Winners

Drumroll, please!

We’re thrilled to reveal our June 2023 photo contest winners! Each month our community comes together to showcase their talents behind the camera, and our June 2023 contest was no exception. While we had fewer contestants than usual, the contest received some breathtaking entries.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated!

Now, without further ado, let’s introduce the June 2023 photo contest winners:

Third Place: @dirtygroundphotography


Instagram: @dirtygroundphotography

June 2023 Photo Contest - Frosty - {_description}

A warm congratulations to @dirtygroundphotography, a fresh face in our community and a first-time contestant who has made a remarkable debut.

@dirtygroundphotography’s entries focus on macro photography and live plant photography. Their distinctive approach to cannabis photography adds a new dimension to our platform, and we were hyped to see these entries in our contest gallery.

Their captivating third place winner, Frosty, gives us a close-up of a luscious cannabis flower against a blue background, its trichomes glistening like a frosty morning. The attention to detail in this shot is simply breathtaking!

Now, let’s move on to second place!

Second Place: @dirtygroundphotography


Instagram: @dirtygroundphotography

June 2023 Photo Contest - Trichomes - {_description}

Securing second place is none other than @dirtygroundphotography!

Just like their third-place entry, this submission further showcases @dirtygroundphotography‘s skills in cannabis photography. Their specialization in macro photography and live plant photography allows them to present the natural beauty of cannabis in an unprecedented light

The second place winning entry, Trichomes, brings us deep into the macro world of cannabis. The shot, with a super wide angle, emphasizes a trichome-covered flower grown by Shasta Cannabis, highlighting the mesmerizing intricacy of the cannabis plant’s physical and chemical characteristics.

Awesome work, @dirtygroundphotography!

Now let’s keep the excitement rolling as we unveil our first-place winner!

First Place: @dirtygroundphotography

420 Delight

Instagram: @dirtygroundphotography

June 2023 Photo Contest - 420 Delight - {_description}

And the gold medal goes to…@dirtygroundphotography!

Sweeping the leaderboard this month will all 3 entries, @dirtygroundphotography‘s stunning shot, 420 Delight, clinched the top spot!

@dirtygroundphotography‘s talent is evident as they delve into the niche of macro cannabis photography, and their ability to capture and amplify the minutiae of live plant photography is truly astounding.

The winning photo, 420 Delight, reveals the vibrant beauty of a live cannabis flower. The shot showcases the structure and the mesmerizing color palette of the flower, capturing the plant in its raw and alluring state. We haven’t confirmed this with @dirtygroundphotography, but it looks like this shot was also taken outside under natural sunlight, adding an additional dimension of natural beauty to the photo.

Congrats to @dirtygroundphotography on the well-deserved victories!

Closing Thoughts

And with that, we wrap up our lineup of June 2023 photo contest winners.

Once again, we want to extend our gratitude to all the photographers who took part in this month’s contest, whether you voted, submitted entries, or participated in our live-streamed winner announcement. The breadth and depth of creativity and talent you share have left us permanently in awe, and we can’t wait to see your entries for next month’s contest!

Our July 2023 photo contest will be live in the coming days, and we’ll make a post on Instagram to let everyone know. Be sure to keep an eye out for more updates by following us on Instagram! You can also subscribe to our newsletter to stay on top of all the latest community news and get an occasional dose of cannabis photography inspiration!

Thanks again, everyone, and we’ll see you in the July contest!

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About Potography

Potography celebrates cannabis through photography, design, and all other forms of art. Our monthly photo contest is a fun and friendly way to highlight the artistic talent in the cannabis community as well as the natural beauty of the cannabis plant and the art it inspires.

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